“Memory is the strangest thing; What a day for dreaming, there’s a flame whose light still shines, leading us out through fields and bridges” …David Byrne

November 5, 2019 8:00AM
Dear Reader,
I got up this morning and my brain immediately when to my challenges, “You need t get her hair dyed, you need to get those SOP’s written and collect some cash so you can break even this month, you owe Rob a report you committed to last night. You need to make an appointment at the Gyno for her.” ” It’s the ” I should to this…I should do that.” It’s the never-ending chatter upstairs in my mind that becomes unnerving.
If you fight it, the anxiety builds, the blood pressure rises. It becomes a churning, gut tightening loop never-ending as the brain continues to pile it on.
We all have it. C’mon, Dear Reader..you have it too; don’t you? “Taking Action” reduces it. Now I might have mentioned that I calendar and keep a “to-do” diary.

It contains the project or task and the time I allot to work on or complete. It’s compact and I can take it with me to update it. As a senior caregiver, it is an essential part of my life. I plan my days/weeks using it and then calendaring with color codes.

Anyway, back to my “Always Talking brain (and yours too, Dear Reader). You see, this morning there was ONE THING I chose to do in spite of my brain trying to tell me I don’t have time. I stretched my hips, legs, and back while listening to Nature Sounds (wind, rain in the forest.) I cycled yesterday morning at 6:30 AM. The shades were drawn and the hint of light shining into the living room was perfect for creating relaxing imagery of me stretching in the forest.
I quieted my brain for 35 minutes concentrating on my positions and form. When I had finished I came in here, my office to start my workday. This post was the first thing I Chose to do. It is now 9:00 AM so I am going to say goodbye for now. Thank you for listening Dear Reader.